.. _user-section-system: The System section ================== The ``system`` section defines some properties of the system. .. pyretis-input-example:: System .. code-block:: rst System ------ units = reduced dimensions = 2 temperature = 1.0 Keywords for the System section ------------------------------- The following keywords can be set for the System section: .. |system_dimensions| replace:: :ref:`dimensions ` .. |system_temperature| replace:: :ref:`temperature ` .. |system_units| replace:: :ref:`units ` .. _table-system-keywords: .. table:: Keywords for the System section :class: table-striped table-hover +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Keyword | Description | +======================+===================================================+ | |system_dimensions| | Specify the dimensionality of the system. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | |system_temperature| | Specify a set temperature for the system. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | |system_units| | Sepcify the unit system to use. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ .. _user-section-system-keyword-dimensions: Keyword dimensions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. pyretis-keyword:: dimensions integer Specify the dimensionality of the system. Should be 1, 2, or 3 for 1D, 2D or 3D, respectively. Default: The default value is ``dimensions = 3``. .. _user-section-system-keyword-temperature: Keyword temperature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. pyretis-keyword:: temperature float Specify a set temperature for the system. This temperature, :math:`T`, is used: - to obtain :math:`\beta = 1/(k_\text{B} \times T)` where :math:`k_\text{B}` is the Boltzmann constant for the system. - as a target temperature for velocity generation if no temperature is given in the :ref:`velocity keyword ` of the :ref:`particles section `. Default: The default value is ``temperature = 1.0``. .. _user-section-system-keyword-units: Keyword units ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. pyretis-keyword:: units string The ``units`` keyword defines the system of units to use by |pyretis|. Currently, the following system of units are defined by |pyretis| (see the :ref:`definitions of unit systems `): - ``lj``: A Lennard-Jones type of (reduced) units (based on Argon [1]_). - ``real``: A system of units similar to the LAMMPS [2]_ unit real. - ``metal``: A system of units similar to the LAMMPS [2]_ unit metal. - ``au``: Atomic units. [3]_ - ``electron``: A system of units similar to the LAMMPS [2]_ unit electron. - ``si``: A system of units similar to the LAMMPS [2]_ unit si. - ``gromacs``: A system of units similar to the units used by GROMACS. [4]_ The system of units should be one of the systems defined by |pyretis| listed above. Alternatively, you can define your own unit system by making use of a special :ref:`unit-system ` section in combination with the ``units`` keyword. Default: The default value is ``units = lj``. References ---------- .. [1] Rowley et al., J. Comput. Phys., vol. 17, pp. 401-414, 1975, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0021-9991 .. [2] The LAMMPS manual, http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/units.html .. [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_units .. [4] The GROMACS manual, version 5.1.1, tables 2.1 and 2.2 on page. 8, http://manual.gromacs.org/documentation/5.1.1/manual-5.1.1.pdf