Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Definition of a class for a simulation box.

The simulation box handles the periodic boundaries if needed.
It is typically referenced via the :py:class:`.System` class,
i.e. as ````.

Important classes defined here

BoxBase (:py:class:`.BoxBase`)
    Class for a simulation box.

RectangularBox (:py:class:`.RectangularBox`)
    Class representing a rectangular simulation box.

TriclinicBox (:py:class:`.TriclinicBox`)
    Class representing a triclinic simulation box.

>>> from import create_box

>>> box = create_box(cell=[10, 10, 10], periodic=[True, False, True])

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from copy import copy
import logging
import math
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import det
from numpy import product
from pyretis.core.common import compare_objects
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

__all__ = ['create_box']

[docs]def create_box(low=None, high=None, cell=None, periodic=None): """Set up and create a box. Parameters ---------- low : numpy.array, optional 1D array containing the lower bounds of the cell. high : numpy.array, optional 1D array containing the higher bounds of the cell. cell : numpy.array, optional 1D array, a flattened version of the simulation box matrix. This array is expected to contain 1, 2, 3, 6 or 9 items. These are the xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yx, yz, zx, zy elements, respectively. periodic : list of boolean, optional If `periodic[i]` then we should apply periodic boundaries to dimension `i`. Returns ------- out : object like :py:class:`.BoxBase` The object representing the simulation box. """ # If the cell is given, the we should be able to determine # the length: if cell is not None: # make sure the cell does not become an array of objects cell = np.array(cell, dtype=np.float) if len(cell) <= 3: length = np.array([i for i in cell]) else: # Use the xx, yy and zz parameters: length = np.array([i for i in cell[:3]]) # Determine low, high, length and possible periodic: low, high, length, periodic = _get_low_high_length( low, high, length, periodic ) else: # Here, cell was not given. Try to obtain it from the length: low, high, length, periodic = _get_low_high_length( low, high, cell, periodic ) cell = np.array([i for i in length]) # We can still have periodic not set: if periodic is None: 'Periodic settings not given. Assumed True for all directions.' ) periodic = [True] * len(length) else: # If for some reason the periodic settings have wrong length: if len(periodic) < len(length):'Setting missing periodic settings to True.') for _ in range(len(length) - len(periodic)): periodic.append(True) elif len(periodic) > len(length): logger.error('Too many periodic settings given.') raise ValueError('Too many periodic settings given.') # Here, everything should be set: check_consistency(low, high, length) # Create the box: obj = TriclinicBox if len(cell) <= 3: obj = RectangularBox return obj(low, high, length, periodic, cell)
def check_consistency(low, high, length): """Check that given box bounds are consistent. Parameters ---------- low : numpy.array The lower bounds for the box. high : numpy.array The upper bounds for the box. length : numpy.array The lengths of the box. """ length_re = high - low if any(i <= 0 for i in length_re): logger.error('Check box settings. Found high <= low.') raise ValueError('Incorrect box: high <= low.') if not all(np.isclose(length, length_re)): logger.error('Check box settings: length != high - low.') raise ValueError('Incorrect box: length != high - low.') def _get_low_high_length(low, high, length, periodic): """Determine box cell parameters from input. This method will consider the following cases: 1) We are given low, high and length. 2) We are given high and length, and determine the low values. 3) We are given low and length, and determine the high values. 4) We are given length, assume low to be zero and determine high. 5) We are given low and high, and determine the length. 6) We are given just high, assume low to be zero and determine the length. 7) We are just given low, and assume high and length to be infinite. 8) We are given none of the values, and assume all to infinite. Parameters ---------- low : numpy.array or None The lower bounds for the box. high : numpy.array or None The upper bounds for the box. length : numpy.array or None The lengths of the box. periodic : list of boolean or None We will assume a periodic box for dimensions where this list is True. Returns ------- out[0] : numpy.array The updated lower bounds for the box. out[1] : numpy.array The updated upper bounds for the box. out[2] : numpy.array The updated lengths of the box. out[3] : list of boolean The updated periodic settings for the box. """ case = (length is not None, low is not None, high is not None) if low is not None: low = np.array(low) if high is not None: high = np.array(high) if length is not None: length = np.array(length) if case == (True, True, True): # 1) We have given length, low and high. pass elif case == (True, False, True): # 2) Length & high has been given, just determine low: low = high - length elif case == (True, True, False): # 3) Length and low was given, determine high: high = low + length elif case == (True, False, False): # 4) Length is given, set low to 0 and high to low + length: low = np.zeros_like(length) high = low + length elif case == (False, True, True): # 5) Low and high is given, determine length: length = high - low elif case == (False, False, True): # 6) High is given, assume low and determine length: low = np.zeros_like(high) length = high - low elif case == (False, True, False): # 7) Low given. High and length to be determined. # This is not enough info, so we assume an infinite box: length = float('inf') * np.ones_like(low) high = float('inf') * np.ones_like(low) elif case == (False, False, False): # Not much info is given. We let the box be similar # in shape to the input periodic settings: if periodic is None: 'Too few settings for the box is given. A 1D box is assumed.' ) periodic = [False] low = np.array([-float('inf') for _ in periodic]) high = float('inf') * np.ones_like(low) length = float('inf') * np.ones_like(low) return low, high, length, periodic def array_to_box_matrix(cell): """Return a box matrix corresponding to a cell array. Parameters ---------- cell : list or numpy.array An (1D) array containing 1, 2, 3, 6 or 9 items. These are the xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yx, yz, zx, zy elements. Setting x = 0, y = 1 and z = 2 will give the indices in the matrix, e.g. yx -> (1, 0) will correspond to the item in row 1 and column 0. Returns ------- box : numpy.array (2D) The box vector on matrix form. """ if len(cell) == 1: return 1.0 * np.array([cell[0]]) if len(cell) == 2: return 1.0 * np.array([[cell[0], 0.0], [0.0, cell[1]]]) if len(cell) == 3: return 1.0 * np.array([[cell[0], 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, cell[1], 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, cell[2]]]) if len(cell) == 6: return 1.0 * np.array([[cell[0], cell[3], cell[4]], [0.0, cell[1], cell[5]], [0.0, 0.0, cell[2]]]) if len(cell) == 9: return 1.0 * np.array([[cell[0], cell[3], cell[4]], [cell[5], cell[1], cell[6]], [cell[7], cell[8], cell[2]]]) logger.error( '%d box parameters given, need 1, 2, 3, 6, or 9.', len(cell) ) raise ValueError('Incorrect number of box-parameters!') def box_matrix_to_list(matrix, full=False): """Return a list representation of the box matrix. This method ensures correct ordering of the elements for PyRETIS: ``xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yx, yz, zx, zy``. Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.array A matrix (2D) representing the box. full : boolean, optional Return a full set of parameters (9) if set to True. If False, and we need 3 or fewer parameters (i.e. the other 6 are zero) we will only return the 3 non-zero ones. Returns ------- out : list A list with the box-parametres. """ if matrix is None: return None if np.count_nonzero(matrix) <= 3 and not full: return [matrix[0, 0], matrix[1, 1], matrix[2, 2]] return [matrix[0, 0], matrix[1, 1], matrix[2, 2], matrix[0, 1], matrix[0, 2], matrix[1, 0], matrix[1, 2], matrix[2, 0], matrix[2, 1]] def _cos(angle): """Return cosine of an angle. We also check if the angle is close to 90.0 and if so, we return a zero. Parameters ---------- angle : float The angle in degrees. Returns ------- out : float The cosine of the angle. """ if math.isclose(angle, 90.): return 0. return math.cos(math.radians(angle)) def box_vector_angles(length, alpha, beta, gamma): """Obtain the box matrix from given lengths and angles. Parameters ---------- length : numpy.array 1D array, the box-lengths on form ``[a, b, c]``. alpha : float The alpha angle, in degrees. beta : float The beta angle, in degrees. gamma : float The gamma angle, in degrees. Returns ------- out : numpy.array, 2D The (upper triangular) box matrix. """ box_matrix = np.zeros((3, 3)) cos_alpha = _cos(alpha) cos_beta = _cos(beta) cos_gamma = _cos(gamma) box_matrix[0, 0] = length[0] box_matrix[0, 1] = length[1] * cos_gamma box_matrix[0, 2] = length[2] * cos_beta box_matrix[1, 1] = math.sqrt(length[1]**2 - box_matrix[0, 1]**2) box_matrix[1, 2] = (length[1] * length[2] * cos_alpha - box_matrix[0, 1] * box_matrix[0, 2]) / box_matrix[1, 1] box_matrix[2, 2] = math.sqrt(length[2]**2 - box_matrix[0, 2]**2 - box_matrix[1, 2]**2) return box_matrix def angles_from_box_matrix(box_matrix): """Obtain angles and lengths from a given box matrix. Parameters ---------- box_matrix : np.array The box matrix (2D). Returns ------- length : numpy.array 1D array, the box-lengths on form ``[a, b, c]``. alpha : float The alpha angle, in degrees. beta : float The beta angle, in degrees. gamma : float The gamma angle, in degrees. """ length = [ box_matrix[0, 0], math.sqrt(box_matrix[1, 1]**2 + box_matrix[0, 1]**2), math.sqrt(box_matrix[2, 2]**2 + box_matrix[0, 2]**2 + box_matrix[1, 2]**2), ] cos_alpha = ( (box_matrix[0, 1] * box_matrix[0, 2] + box_matrix[1, 1] * box_matrix[1, 2]) / (length[1] * length[2]) ) cos_beta = box_matrix[0, 2] / length[2] cos_gamma = box_matrix[0, 1] / length[1] alpha = math.degrees(math.acos(cos_alpha)) beta = math.degrees(math.acos(cos_beta)) gamma = math.degrees(math.acos(cos_gamma)) return np.array(length), alpha, beta, gamma class BoxBase(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Class for a generic simulation box. This class defines a generic simulation box. Attributes ---------- low : numpy.array 1D array containing the lower bounds of the cell. high : numpy.array 1D array containing the higher bounds of the cell. length : numpy.array 1D array containing the length of the sides of the simulation box. ilength : numpy.array 1D array containing the inverse box lengths for the simulation box. periodic : list of boolean If `periodic[i]` then we should apply periodic boundaries to dimension `i`. box_matrix : numpy.array 2D matrix, representing the simulation cell. cell : numpy.array 1D array representing the simulation cell (flattened version of the 2D box matrix). """ def __init__(self, low, high, length, periodic, cell): """Initialise the BoxBase class.""" self.low = low self.high = high self.length = length self.periodic = periodic self.cell = cell # Create box matrix from the given cell: self.box_matrix = array_to_box_matrix(self.cell) self.ilength = 1.0 / self.length self.dim = len(self.length) def update_size(self, new_size): """Update the box size. Parameters ---------- new_size : list, tuple, numpy.array, or other iterable The new box size. """ if new_size is None: logger.warning( 'Box update ignored: Tried to update with empty size!' ) else: try: size = new_size.size except AttributeError: size = len(new_size) if size <= 3: if size == len(self.cell): for i in range(self.dim): self.length[i] = new_size[i] self.high[i] = self.low[i] + new_size[i] self.cell[i] = new_size[i] self.ilength = 1.0 / self.length else: try: self.box_matrix = array_to_box_matrix(new_size) self.cell = [i for i in new_size] self.length = np.array([float(i) for i in self.cell[:3]]) self.high = self.low + self.length self.ilength = 1.0 / self.length except ValueError: logger.critical('Box update failed!') def bounds(self): """Return the boundaries of the box (low, high) as an array.""" return [(i, j) for i, j in zip(self.low, self.high)] @abstractmethod def calculate_volume(self): """Return the volume of the box.""" return @abstractmethod def pbc_coordinate_dim(self, pos, dim): """Apply periodic boundaries to a selected dimension only. For the given positions, this function will apply periodic boundary conditions to one dimension only. This can be useful for instance in connection with order parameters. Parameters ---------- pos : float Coordinate to wrap. dim : int This selects the dimension to consider. """ return @abstractmethod def pbc_wrap(self, pos): """Apply periodic boundaries to the given position. Parameters ---------- pos : nump.array Positions to apply periodic boundaries to. Returns ------- out : numpy.array, same shape as parameter `pos` The periodic-boundary wrapped positions. """ return @abstractmethod def pbc_dist_matrix(self, distance): """Apply periodic boundaries to a distance matrix/vector. Parameters ---------- distance : numpy.array The distance vectors. Returns ------- out : numpy.array, same shape as parameter `distance` The periodic-boundary-wrapped distances. """ return @abstractmethod def pbc_dist_coordinate(self, distance): """Apply periodic boundaries to a distance. This will apply periodic boundaries to a distance. Note that the distance can be a vector, but not a matrix of distance vectors. Parameters ---------- distance : numpy.array with shape `(self.dim,)` A distance vector. Returns ------- out : numpy.array, same shape as parameter `distance` The periodic-boundary wrapped distance vector. """ return def print_length(self, fmt=None): """Return a string with box lengths. Can be used for output.""" if fmt is None: return ' '.join(('{}'.format(i) for i in self.cell)) return ' '.join((fmt.format(i) for i in self.cell)) def restart_info(self): """Return a dictionary with restart information.""" info = { 'length': self.length, 'periodic': self.periodic, 'low': self.low, 'high': self.high, 'cell': self.cell, } return info def copy(self): """Return a copy of the box. Returns ------- out : object like :py:class:`.BoxBase` A copy of the box. """ box_copy = self.__class__( np.copy(self.low), np.copy(self.high), np.copy(self.length), copy(self.periodic), np.copy(self.cell) ) return box_copy def __str__(self): """Return a string describing the box. Returns ------- out : string String with the type of box, the extent of the box and information about the periodicity. """ boxstr = [] if len(self.cell) <= 3: boxstr.append('Orthogonal box:') else: boxstr.append('Triclinic box:') for i, periodic in enumerate(self.periodic): low = self.low[i] high = self.high[i] msg = 'Dim: {}, Low: {}, high: {}, periodic: {}' boxstr.append(msg.format(i, low, high, periodic)) cell = self.print_length() boxstr.append('Cell: {}'.format(cell)) return '\n'.join(boxstr) def __eq__(self, other): """Compare two box objects.""" attrs = {'low', 'high', 'length', 'ilength', 'box_matrix', 'cell', 'periodic', 'dim'} numpy_attrs = {'low', 'high', 'length', 'ilength', 'box_matrix', 'cell'} return compare_objects(self, other, attrs, numpy_attrs) class RectangularBox(BoxBase): """An orthogonal box.""" def calculate_volume(self): """Calculate the volume of the box. Returns ------- out : float The volume of the box. """ return product(self.length) def pbc_coordinate_dim(self, pos, dim): """Apply periodic boundaries to a selected dimension only. For the given positions, this function will apply periodic boundary conditions to one dimension only. This can be useful for instance in connection with order parameters. Parameters ---------- pos : float Coordinate to wrap around. dim : int This selects the dimension to consider. """ if self.periodic[dim]: low, length = self.low[dim], self.length[dim] ilength = self.ilength[dim] relpos = pos - low delta = relpos if relpos < 0.0 or relpos >= length: delta = relpos - np.floor(relpos * ilength) * length return delta + low return pos def pbc_wrap(self, pos): """Apply periodic boundaries to the given position. Parameters ---------- pos : nump.array Positions to apply periodic boundaries to. Returns ------- out : numpy.array, same shape as parameter `pos` The periodic-boundary wrapped positions. """ pbcpos = np.zeros(pos.shape) for i, periodic in enumerate(self.periodic): if periodic: low = self.low[i] length = self.length[i] ilength = self.ilength[i] relpos = pos[:, i] - low delta = np.where( np.logical_or(relpos < 0.0, relpos >= length), relpos - np.floor(relpos * ilength) * length, relpos ) pbcpos[:, i] = delta + low else: pbcpos[:, i] = pos[:, i] return pbcpos def pbc_dist_matrix(self, distance): """Apply periodic boundaries to a distance matrix/vector. Parameters ---------- distance : numpy.array The distance vectors. Returns ------- out : numpy.array, same shape as the `distance` parameter The pbc-wrapped distances. Note ---- This will modify the given input matrix inplace. This can be changed by setting ``pbcdist = np.copy(distance)``. """ pbcdist = distance for i, (periodic, length, ilength) in enumerate(zip(self.periodic, self.length, self.ilength)): if periodic: dist = pbcdist[:, i] high = 0.5 * length k = np.where(np.abs(dist) >= high)[0] dist[k] -= np.rint(dist[k] * ilength) * length return pbcdist def pbc_dist_coordinate(self, distance): """Apply periodic boundaries to a distance. This will apply periodic boundaries to a distance. Note that the distance can be a vector, but not a matrix of distance vectors. Parameters ---------- distance : numpy.array with shape `(self.dim,)` A distance vector. Returns ------- out : numpy.array, same shape as the `distance` parameter The periodic-boundary wrapped distance vector. """ pbcdist = np.zeros(distance.shape) for i, (periodic, length, ilength) in enumerate(zip(self.periodic, self.length, self.ilength)): if periodic and np.abs(distance[i]) > 0.5*length: pbcdist[i] = (distance[i] - np.rint(distance[i] * ilength) * length) else: pbcdist[i] = distance[i] return pbcdist class TriclinicBox(BoxBase): """This class represents a triclinic box.""" def calculate_volume(self): """Calculate and return the volume of the box. Returns ------- out : float The volume of the box. """ return det(self.box_matrix) def pbc_coordinate_dim(self, pos, dim): """Apply periodic boundaries to a selected dimension only.""" raise NotImplementedError def pbc_wrap(self, pos): """Apply periodic boundaries to the given position.""" raise NotImplementedError def pbc_dist_matrix(self, distance): """Apply periodic boundaries to a distance matrix/vector.""" raise NotImplementedError def pbc_dist_coordinate(self, distance): """Apply periodic boundaries to a distance.""" raise NotImplementedError def box_from_restart(restart): """Create a box from restart settings. Parameters ---------- restart : dict A dictionary with restart settings. Returns ------- box : object like :py:class:`.BoxBase` The box created from the restart settings. """ restart_box = restart.get('box', None) if restart_box is None:'No box created from restart settings.') return None box = create_box( low=restart_box.get('low'), high=restart_box.get('high'), cell=restart_box.get('cell'), periodic=restart_box.get('periodic') ) return box