Source code for pyretis.forcefield.potentials.pairpotentials.lennardjones

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Module defining Lennard-Jones pair potentials.

This module defines the Lennard-Jones potential for PyRETIS.

Important classes defined here

PairLennardJonesCut (:py:class:`.PairLennardJonesCut`)
    A class representing a Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential implemented
    in pure python.

PairLennardJonesCutnp (:py:class:`.PairLennardJonesCutnp`)
    A class representing a Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential implemented
    using numpy.
import logging
import numpy as np
from pyretis.forcefield.potential import PotentialFunction
from .pairpotential import generate_pair_interactions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

__all__ = ['PairLennardJonesCut', 'PairLennardJonesCutnp']

[docs]class PairLennardJonesCut(PotentialFunction): r"""Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential in pure Python. This class implements as simple Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential which employs a simple cut-off and can be shifted. The potential energy (:math:`V_\text{pot}`) is defined in the usual way for an interacting pair of particles a distance :math:`r` apart, .. math:: V_\text{pot} = 4 \varepsilon \left( x^{12} - x^{6} \right), where :math:`x = \sigma/r` and :math:`\varepsilon` and :math:`\sigma` are the potential parameters. The parameters are stored as attributes of the potential and we store one set for each kind of pair interaction. Parameters can be generated with a specific mixing rule by the force field. This implementation is in pure python (yes we are double looping!) and it is slow. It should not be used for production, please consider the numpy aware `PairLennardJonesCutnp` instead. Attributes ---------- params : dict The parameters for the potential. This dict is assumed to contain parameters for pairs, i.e. for interactions. _lj1 : dict Lennard-Jones parameters used for calculation of the force. Keys are the pairs (particle types) that may interact. Calculated as: ``48.0 * epsilon * sigma**12`` _lj2 : dict Lennard-Jones parameters used for calculation of the force. Keys are the pairs (particle types) that may interact. Calculated as: ``24.0 * epsilon * sigma**6`` _lj3 : dict Lennard-Jones parameters used for calculation of the potential. Keys are the pairs (particle types) that may interact. Calculated as: ``4.0 * epsilon * sigma**12`` _lj4 : dict Lennard-Jones parameters used for calculation of the potential. Keys are the pairs (particle types) that may interact. Calculated as: ``4.0 * epsilon * sigma**6`` _offset : dict Potential values for shifting the potential if requested. This is the potential evaluated at the cut-off. _rcut2 : dict The squared cut-off for each interaction type. Keys are the pairs (particle types) that may interact. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim=3, shift=True, mixing='geometric', desc='Lennard-Jones pair potential'): """Initialise the Lennard-Jones potential. Parameters ---------- dim : int, optional The dimensionality to use. shift : boolean, optional Determines if the potential should be shifted or not. mixing : string, optional Determines how we should mix potential parameters. desc : string, optional Description of the potential. """ super().__init__(dim=dim, desc=desc) self.shift = shift self._lj1 = {} self._lj2 = {} self._lj3 = {} self._lj4 = {} self._rcut2 = {} self._offset = {} self.params = {} self.mixing = mixing
[docs] def set_parameters(self, parameters): """Update all parameters. Here, we generate pair interactions, since that is what this potential actually is using. Parameters ---------- parameters : dict The input pair parameters. """ self.params = {} pair_param = generate_pair_interactions(parameters, self.mixing) for pair in pair_param: eps_ij = pair_param[pair]['epsilon'] sig_ij = pair_param[pair]['sigma'] rcut = pair_param[pair]['rcut'] self._lj1[pair] = 48.0 * eps_ij * sig_ij**12 self._lj2[pair] = 24.0 * eps_ij * sig_ij**6 self._lj3[pair] = 4.0 * eps_ij * sig_ij**12 self._lj4[pair] = 4.0 * eps_ij * sig_ij**6 self._rcut2[pair] = rcut**2 vcut = 0.0 if self.shift: try: vcut = 4.0 * eps_ij * ((sig_ij / rcut)**12 - (sig_ij / rcut)**6) except ZeroDivisionError: vcut = 0.0 self._offset[pair] = vcut self.params[pair] = pair_param[pair]
[docs] def __str__(self): """Generate a string with the potential parameters. It will generate a string with both pair and atom parameters. Returns ------- out : string Table with the parameters of all interactions. """ strparam = [self.desc] strparam += ['Potential parameters, Lennard-Jones:'] useshift = 'yes' if self.shift else 'no' strparam.append('Shift potential: {}'.format(useshift)) atmformat = '{0:12s} {1:>9s} {2:>9s} {3:>9s}' atmformat2 = '{0:12s} {1:>9.4f} {2:>9.4f} {3:>9.4f}' strparam.append('Pair parameters:') strparam.append(atmformat.format('Atom/pair', 'epsilon', 'sigma', 'cut-off')) for pair in sorted(self.params): eps_ij = self.params[pair]['epsilon'] sig_ij = self.params[pair]['sigma'] rcut = np.sqrt(self._rcut2[pair]) stri = '{}-{}'.format(*pair) strparam.append(atmformat2.format(stri, eps_ij, sig_ij, rcut)) return '\n'.join(strparam)
[docs] def potential(self, system): """Calculate the potential energy for the Lennard-Jones interaction. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system for which we calculate the potential. Returns ------- The potential energy as a float. """ particles = system.particles box = v_pot = 0.0 for pair in particles.pairs(): i, j, itype, jtype = pair delta = box.pbc_dist_coordinate(particles.pos[i] - particles.pos[j]) rsq =, delta) if rsq < self._rcut2[itype, jtype]: r2inv = 1.0/rsq r6inv = r2inv**3 v_pot += (r6inv * (self._lj3[itype, jtype] * r6inv - self._lj4[itype, jtype]) - self._offset[itype, jtype]) return v_pot
[docs] def force(self, system): """Calculate the force for the Lennard-Jones interaction. We also calculate the virial here, since the force is evaluated. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system for which we calculate the force. Returns ------- out[0] : numpy.array The force as a numpy.array. out[1] : numpy.array The virial as a numpy.array. """ particles = system.particles forces = np.zeros(particles.pos.shape) virial = np.zeros((, for pair in particles.pairs(): i, j, itype, jtype = pair delta =[i] - particles.pos[j]) if, delta) < self._rcut2[itype, jtype]: r2inv = 1.0 /, delta) r6inv = r2inv**3 forcelj = r2inv * r6inv * (self._lj1[itype, jtype] * r6inv - self._lj2[itype, jtype]) forceij = forcelj * delta forces[i] += forceij forces[j] -= forceij virial += np.outer(forceij, delta) return forces, virial
[docs] def potential_and_force(self, system): """Calculate potential and force for the Lennard-Jones interaction. Since the force is evaluated, the virial is also calculated. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system for which we calculate the potential and force. Note ---- Currently, the virial is only calculated for all the particles. It is not calculated as per atom virial. The virial per atom might be useful to obtain a local pressure or stress, however, this needs some consideration. Perhaps it's best to fully implement this as a method of planes or something similar. Returns ------- out[0] : float The potential energy as a float. out[1] : numpy.array The force as a numpy.array of the same shape as the positions in `particles.pos`. out[2] : numpy.array The virial, as a symmetric matrix with dimensions (dim, dim) where dim is given by the box/system dimensions. """ particles = system.particles box = v_pot = 0.0 forces = np.zeros(particles.pos.shape) virial = np.zeros((box.dim, box.dim)) for pair in particles.pairs(): i, j, itype, jtype = pair delta = box.pbc_dist_coordinate(particles.pos[i] - particles.pos[j]) rsq =, delta) if rsq < self._rcut2[itype, jtype]: r2inv = 1.0 / rsq r6inv = r2inv**3 v_pot += (r6inv * (self._lj3[itype, jtype] * r6inv - self._lj4[itype, jtype]) - self._offset[itype, jtype]) forcelj = r2inv * r6inv * (self._lj1[itype, jtype] * r6inv - self._lj2[itype, jtype]) forceij = forcelj * delta forces[i] += forceij forces[j] -= forceij virial += np.outer(forceij, delta) return v_pot, forces, virial
[docs]class PairLennardJonesCutnp(PairLennardJonesCut): """Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential with numpy. A Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential with a simple cut-off which can be shifted. `PairLennardJonesCutnp` uses numpy for calculations, i.e. most operations are recast as numpy.array operations. Otherwise, it is similar to `PairLennardJonesCut`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim=3, shift=True, mixing='geometric', desc='Lennard-Jones pair potential (numpy)'): """Initialise the Lennard-Jones potential. Parameters ---------- dim : int, optional The dimensionality to use. shift : boolean, optional Determines if the potential should be shifted or not. mixing : string, optional Describes the mixing rules for the parameters. desc : string, optional Description of the potential. """ super().__init__(dim=dim, desc=desc, shift=shift, mixing=mixing)
[docs] def potential(self, system): """Calculate the potential energy for the Lennard-Jones interaction. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system for which we calculate the potential. Returns ------- out : float The potential energy as a float. """ particles = system.particles box = pot = 0.0 # the particle list may implement a list which we can # loop over. This could be some kind of fancy neighbour list # here, we ignore this and loop over all pairs using numpy. for i, particle_i in enumerate(particles.pos[:-1]): itype = particles.ptype[i] delta = particle_i - particles.pos[i+1:] delta = box.pbc_dist_matrix(delta) rsq = np.einsum('ij, ij->i', delta, delta) k = np.where(_check_cutoff(self._rcut2, rsq, particles.ptype[i+1:], itype))[0] if len(k) > 0: # pylint: disable=len-as-condition r6inv = 1.0 / rsq[k]**3 pot += np.sum(_pot_term(self._lj3, self._lj4, self._offset, r6inv, particles.ptype[k+i+1], itype)) return pot
[docs] def force(self, system): """Calculate the force for the Lennard-Jones interaction. We also calculate the virial here, since the force is evaluated. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system for which we calculate the force. Note ---- The way the "dim" is used may be reconsidered. There is already a self.dim parameter for the potential class. Returns ------- out[0] : numpy.array The force as a numpy.array of the same shape as the positions in particles.pos. out[1] : numpy.array The virial, as a symmetric matrix with dimensions (dim, dim) where dim is given by the box. """ particles = system.particles forces = np.zeros(particles.pos.shape) virial = np.zeros((, for i, particle_i in enumerate(particles.pos[:-1]): itype = particles.ptype[i] delta = particle_i - particles.pos[i+1:] delta = rsq = np.einsum('ij, ij->i', delta, delta) k = np.where(_check_cutoff(self._rcut2, rsq, particles.ptype[i+1:], itype))[0] if len(k) > 0: # pylint: disable=len-as-condition r2inv = 1.0 / rsq[k] r6inv = r2inv**3 forcelj = _force_term(self._lj1, self._lj2, r2inv, r6inv, particles.ptype[k+i+1], itype) forceij = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', forcelj, delta[k]) forces[i] += np.sum(forceij, axis=0) forces[k+i+1] -= forceij virial += np.einsum('ij,ik->jk', forceij, delta[k]) return forces, virial
[docs] def potential_and_force(self, system): """Calculate the potential & force for the Lennard-Jones interaction. We also calculate the virial here, since the force is evaluated. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system for which we calculate the potential and force. Note ---- Currently, the virial is only calculated for all the particles. It is not calculated as a per atom virial. The virial per atom might be useful to obtain a local pressure or stress, however, this needs some consideration. Perhaps it's best to fully implement this as a method of planes or something similar. Returns ------- out[0] : float The potential energy as a float. out[1] : numpy.array The force as a numpy.array of the same shape as the positions in `particles.pos`. out[2] : numpy.array The virial, as a symmetric matrix with dimensions (dim, dim) where dim is given by the box. """ particles = system.particles box = pot = 0.0 forces = np.zeros(particles.pos.shape) virial = np.zeros((box.dim, box.dim)) for i, particle_i in enumerate(particles.pos[:-1]): itype = particles.ptype[i] delta = particle_i - particles.pos[i+1:] delta = box.pbc_dist_matrix(delta) rsq = np.einsum('ij, ij->i', delta, delta) k = np.where(_check_cutoff(self._rcut2, rsq, particles.ptype[i+1:], itype))[0] if len(k) > 0: # pylint: disable=len-as-condition jtype = particles.ptype[k+i+1] r2inv = 1.0 / rsq[k] r6inv = r2inv**3 pot += np.sum(_pot_term(self._lj3, self._lj4, self._offset, r6inv, jtype, itype)) forcelj = _force_term(self._lj1, self._lj2, r2inv, r6inv, jtype, itype) forceij = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', forcelj, delta[k]) forces[i] += np.sum(forceij, axis=0) forces[k+i+1] -= forceij virial += np.einsum('ij,ik->jk', forceij, delta[k]) return pot, forces, virial
@np.vectorize def _pot_term(lj3, lj4, offset, r6inv, jtype, itype): """Lennard Jones potential term.""" return (r6inv * (lj3[itype, jtype] * r6inv - lj4[itype, jtype]) - offset[itype, jtype]) @np.vectorize def _force_term(lj1, lj2, r2inv, r6inv, jtype, itype): """Lennard Jones force term.""" return r2inv * r6inv * (lj1[itype, jtype] * r6inv - lj2[itype, jtype]) @np.vectorize def _check_cutoff(rcut2, rsq, jtype, itype): """Check if we are close than the cut-off.""" return rsq < rcut2[itype, jtype]