Source code for pyretis.orderparameter.orderparameter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""This file contains classes to represent order parameters.

The order parameters are assumed to all be completely determined
by the system properties and they will all return at least one
value - the order parameter itself. The order parameters can also
return several order parameters which can be used for further analysis.

Important classes defined here

OrderParameter (:py:class:`.OrderParameter`)
    Base class for the order parameters.

Position (:py:class:`.Position`)
    An order parameter equal to the position of a particle.

Velocity (:py:class:`.Velocity`)
    An order parameter equal to the velocity of a particle.

Distance (:py:class:`.Distance`)
    A class for a particle-particle distance order parameter.

Distancevel (:py:class:`.Distancevel`)
    A class for the rate of change in a particle-particle distance
    order parameter.

CompositeOrderParameter (:py:class:`.CompositeOrderParameter`)
    A class for an order parameter which is made up of several order
    parameters, i.e. of several objects like

PositionVelocity (:py:class:`.PositionVelocity`)
    An order parameter which is equal to the composition of
    :py:class:`.Position` and

DistanceVelocity (:py:class:`.DistanceVelocity`)
    An order parameter which is equal to the composition of
    :py:class:`.Distance` and :py:class:`.Distancevel`.

from abc import abstractmethod
import logging
import numpy as np
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

__all__ = [

[docs]class OrderParameter: """Base class for order parameters. This class represents an order parameter and other collective variables. The order parameter is assumed to be a function that can uniquely be determined by the system object and its attributes. Attributes ---------- description : string This is a short description of the order parameter. velocity_dependent : boolean This flag indicates whether or not the order parameter depends on the velocity direction. If so, we need to recalculate the order parameter when reversing trajectories. """
[docs] def __init__(self, description='Generic order parameter', velocity=False): """Initialise the OrderParameter object. Parameters ---------- description : string Short description of the order parameter. """ self.description = description self.velocity_dependent = velocity if self.velocity_dependent: logger.debug( 'Order parameter "%s" was marked as velocity dependent.', self.description )
[docs] @abstractmethod def calculate(self, system): """Calculate the main order parameter and return it. All order parameters should implement this method as this ensures that the order parameter can be calculated. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` This object contains the information needed to calculate the order parameter. Returns ------- out : list of floats The order parameter(s). The first order parameter returned is used as the progress coordinate in path sampling simulations! """ return
[docs] def __str__(self): """Return a simple string representation of the order parameter.""" msg = [ 'Order parameter: "{}"'.format(self.__class__.__name__), '{}'.format(self.description), ] if self.velocity_dependent: msg.append('This order parameter is velocity dependent.') return '\n'.join(msg)
[docs]class Position(OrderParameter): """A positional order parameter. This class defines a very simple order parameter which is just the position of a given particle. Attributes ---------- index : integer This is the index of the atom which will be used, i.e. ``system.particles.pos[index]`` will be used. dim : integer This is the dimension of the coordinate to use. 0, 1 or 2 for 'x', 'y' or 'z'. periodic : boolean This determines if periodic boundaries should be applied to the position or not. """
[docs] def __init__(self, index, dim='x', periodic=False): """Initialise the order parameter. Parameters ---------- index : int This is the index of the atom we will use the position of. dim : string This select what dimension we should consider, it should equal 'x', 'y' or 'z'. periodic : boolean, optional This determines if periodic boundary conditions should be applied to the position. """ txt = 'Position of particle {} (dim: {})'.format(index, dim) super().__init__(description=txt, velocity=False) self.periodic = periodic self.index = index self.dim = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}.get(dim, None) if self.dim is None: msg = 'Unknown dimension {} requested'.format(dim) logger.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def calculate(self, system): """Calculate the position order parameter. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The object containing the positions. Returns ------- out : list of floats The position order parameter. """ particles = system.particles pos = particles.pos[self.index] lamb = pos[self.dim] if self.periodic: lamb =, self.dim) return [lamb]
[docs]class Velocity(OrderParameter): """Initialise the order parameter. This class defines a very simple order parameter which is just the velocity of a given particle. Attributes ---------- index : integer This is the index of the atom which will be used, i.e. ``system.particles.vel[index]`` will be used. dim : integer This is the dimension of the coordinate to use. 0, 1 or 2 for 'x', 'y' or 'z'. """
[docs] def __init__(self, index, dim='x'): """Initialise the order parameter. Parameters ---------- index : int This is the index of the atom we will use the velocity of. dim : string This select what dimension we should consider, it should equal 'x', 'y' or 'z'. """ txt = 'Velocity of particle {} (dim: {})'.format(index, dim) super().__init__(description=txt, velocity=True) self.index = index self.dim = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}.get(dim, None) if self.dim is None: logger.critical('Unknown dimension %s requested', dim) raise ValueError
[docs] def calculate(self, system): """Calculate the velocity order parameter. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The object containing the velocities. Returns ------- out : list of floats The velocity order parameter. """ return [system.particles.vel[self.index][self.dim]]
def _verify_pair(index): """Check that the given index contains a pair.""" try: if len(index) != 2: msg = ('Wrong number of atoms for pair definition. ' 'Expected 2 got {}'.format(len(index))) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) except TypeError: msg = 'Atom pair should be defined as a tuple/list of integers.' logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg)
[docs]class Distance(OrderParameter): """A distance order parameter. This class defines a very simple order parameter which is just the scalar distance between two particles. Attributes ---------- index : tuple of integers These are the indices used for the two particles. `system.particles.pos[index[0]]` and `system.particles.pos[index[1]]` will be used. periodic : boolean This determines if periodic boundaries should be applied to the distance or not. """
[docs] def __init__(self, index, periodic=True): """Initialise order parameter. Parameters ---------- index : tuple of ints This is the indices of the atom we will use the position of. periodic : boolean, optional This determines if periodic boundary conditions should be applied to the position. """ _verify_pair(index) pbc = 'Periodic' if periodic else 'Non-periodic' txt = '{} distance, particles {} and {}'.format( pbc, index[0], index[1] ) super().__init__(description=txt, velocity=False) self.periodic = periodic self.index = index
[docs] def calculate(self, system): """Calculate the order parameter. Here, the order parameter is just the distance between two particles. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The object containing the positions and box used for the calculation. Returns ------- out : list of floats The distance order parameter. """ particles = system.particles delta = particles.pos[self.index[1]] - particles.pos[self.index[0]] if self.periodic: delta = lamb = np.sqrt(, delta)) return [lamb]
[docs]class Distancevel(OrderParameter): """A rate of change of the distance order parameter. This class defines a very simple order parameter which is just the time derivative of the scalar distance between two particles. Attributes ---------- index : tuple of integers These are the indices used for the two particles. `system.particles.pos[index[0]]` and `system.particles.pos[index[1]]` will be used. periodic : boolean This determines if periodic boundaries should be applied to the distance or not. """
[docs] def __init__(self, index, periodic=True): """Initialise the order parameter. Parameters ---------- index : tuple of ints This is the indices of the atom we will use the position of. periodic : boolean, optional This determines if periodic boundary conditions should be applied to the position. """ _verify_pair(index) pbc = 'Periodic' if periodic else 'Non-periodic' txt = '{} rate-of-change-distance, particles {} and {}'.format( pbc, index[0], index[1] ) super().__init__(description=txt, velocity=True) self.periodic = periodic self.index = index
[docs] def calculate(self, system): """Calculate the order parameter. Here, the order parameter is just the distance between two particles. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The object containing the positions and box used for the calculation. Returns ------- out : list of floats The rate-of-chang of the distance order parameter. """ particles = system.particles delta = particles.pos[self.index[1]] - particles.pos[self.index[0]] if self.periodic: delta = lamb = np.sqrt(, delta)) # Add the velocity as an additional collective variable: delta_v = particles.vel[self.index[1]] - particles.vel[self.index[0]] cv1 =, delta_v) / lamb return [cv1]
[docs]class CompositeOrderParameter(OrderParameter): """A composite order parameter. This class represents a composite order parameter. It does not actually calculate order parameters itself, but it has references to several objects like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` which it can use to obtain the order parameters. Note that the first one of these objects will be interpreted as the main progress coordinate in path sampling simulations. Attributes ---------- extra : list of objects like :py:class:`OrderParameter` This is a list of order parameters to calculate. """
[docs] def __init__(self, order_parameters=None): """Set up the composite order parameter. Parameters ---------- order_parameters : list of objects like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` A list of order parameters we can add. """ super().__init__(description='Combined order parameter', velocity=False) self.order_parameters = [] if order_parameters is not None: for order_function in order_parameters: self.add_orderparameter(order_function)
[docs] def calculate(self, system): """Calculate the main order parameter and return it. This is defined as a method just to ensure that at least this method will be defined in the different order parameters. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` This object contains the information needed to calculate the order parameter. Returns ------- out : list of floats The order parameter(s). The first order parameter returned is assumed to be the progress coordinate for path sampling simulations. """ all_order = [] for order_function in self.order_parameters: all_order.extend(order_function.calculate(system)) return all_order
[docs] def add_orderparameter(self, order_function): """Add an extra order parameter to calculate. Parameters ---------- order_function : object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` An object we can use to calculate the order parameter. Returns ------- out : boolean Return True if we added the function, False otherwise. """ # We check that the ``calculate`` method is present and callable. for func in ('calculate', ): objfunc = getattr(order_function, func, None) name = order_function.__class__.__name__ if not objfunc: msg = 'Missing method "{}" in order parameter {}'.format( func, name, ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if not callable(objfunc): msg = '"{}" in order parameter {} is not callable!'.format( func, name, ) raise ValueError(msg) self.velocity_dependent |= order_function.velocity_dependent if self.velocity_dependent: logger.debug( 'Order parameter "%s" was marked as velocity dependent.', self.description ) self.order_parameters.append(order_function) return True
[docs] def __str__(self): """Return a simple string representation of the order parameter.""" txt = ['Order parameter, combination of:'] for i, order in enumerate(self.order_parameters): txt.append('{}: {}'.format(i, str(order))) msg = '\n'.join(txt) return msg
[docs]class PositionVelocity(CompositeOrderParameter): """An order parameter equal to the position & velocity of a given atom."""
[docs] def __init__(self, index, dim='x', periodic=False): """Initialise the order parameter. Parameters ---------- index : int This is the index of the atom we will use the position and velocity of. dim : string This select what dimension we should consider, it should equal 'x', 'y' or 'z'. periodic : boolean, optional This determines if periodic boundary conditions should be applied to the position. """ position = Position(index, dim=dim, periodic=periodic) velocity = Velocity(index, dim=dim) orderparameters = [position, velocity] super().__init__(order_parameters=orderparameters)
[docs]class DistanceVelocity(CompositeOrderParameter): """An order parameter equal to a distance and its rate of change."""
[docs] def __init__(self, index, periodic=True): """Initialise the order parameter. Parameters ---------- index : tuple of integers These are the indices used for the two particles. `system.particles.pos[index[0]]` and `system.particles.pos[index[1]]` will be used. periodic : boolean, optional This determines if periodic boundary conditions should be applied to the position. """ position = Distance(index, periodic=periodic) velocity = Distancevel(index, periodic=periodic) orderparameters = [position, velocity] super().__init__(order_parameters=orderparameters)