Source code for pyretis.visualization.orderparam_density

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: skip-file
# Copyright (c) 2019, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Compiler of PyRETIS simulation data.

This module is part of the PyRETIS library and can be used both for compiling
the simulation data into a compressed file and/or load the data for later
import argparse
import colorama
import os
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import warnings
import timeit
from pyretis import __version__ as VERSION
from import PROGRAM_NAME
from pyretis.inout import print_to_screen
from pyretis.inout.settings import parse_settings_file
from pyretis.visualization.common import (get_min_max,
from tqdm import tqdm


# Hard-coded labels for energies and time/cycle steps
ENERGYLABELS = ['time', 'cycE', 'potE', 'kinE', 'totE']

[docs]def remove_nan(data): """Remove nan from data. The function shall remove initial nan, assuming that they are originated by incomplete initial conditions (e.g. no energy file). In the case that nan appears as last cycle, it will not be fixed and an error shall rise up later in the code. Parameters ---------- data : list Input list. If nan are present, they are replaced by the following entry. The method accounts for multiple consecutive nan occourence. """ NAN = True iNAN = -1 while NAN: NAN = False for i, d in reversed(list(enumerate(data))): if d*0 != 0: NAN = True iNAN = i break if NAN and iNAN == len(data)-1: NAN = False if NAN: data[iNAN] = data[iNAN+1]
[docs]class PathDensity(): """Perfrom the path density analysis. This class defines the path density analysis for completed simulations with several order parameters. """
[docs] def __init__(self, iofile=None): """Initialize the class.""" self.iofile = iofile self.pfile = None try: testfile = open(self.iofile, 'r') os.chdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(self.iofile))) testfile.close() except FileNotFoundError: line = 'Found no input file, "iofile = {}"' print_to_screen(line.format(self.iofile), level='error') return # Setting up empty dictionaries for the orderP and energy values self.eops = {} self.infos = {} self.ops = {} num_op = 0 # Getting interfaces from iofile settings = parse_settings_file(self.iofile) interfaces = settings['simulation']['interfaces'] intnames = [] intnames.append('0$^{-}$') intnames.append('0$^{+}$') for i in range(1, len(interfaces)-1): intnames.append(str(i)+'$^{+}$') path = [] # Getting ensembles/folders from directory for fol in sorted(filter(os.path.isdir, os.listdir('.'))): if str(fol)[0] == '0': # Excluding folders not named '0**' path.append(fol) # Getting order parameters from order-file of first folder in path with open(os.path.join(path[0], 'order.txt')) as temp: # If implemented, use OP names as labels instead. tail ='\n')[-2] op_line = tail.split() num_op = len(op_line)-1 op_labels = [] for i in range(1, num_op+1): op_labels.append('op{}'.format(i)) op_labels.append('cycO') self.infos['path'] = path self.infos['op_labels'] = op_labels self.infos['energy_labels'] = ENERGYLABELS self.infos['interfaces'] = interfaces self.infos['intf_names'] = intnames self.infos['num_op'] = num_op
[docs] def walk_dirs(self, only_ops=False): """Create a lists in acc or rej dictionary for all order parameters. First generate list of folders/ensembles to iterate through. Then search for number of orderparameters(columns) in file in one of the folders of path, and create lists in acc/rej dictionaries for all order parameters. Lastly iterate through all folders and files, filling in correct data to the lists and dictionaries. Parameters ---------- only_ops : boolean, optional If true, PathDensity will not collect data from energy files. Returns/Updates --------------- ops : dict Values of order params in all ensembles. eops : dict Values of order params and energies in all ensembles. """ def _make_dict_lists(self, fol): """Generate empty lists in dictionaries. Parameters ---------- fol : string Name of subfolder. """ # Creating lists of statistical weigth for accepted paths self.ops['astatw', fol] = [] # Creating lists of time step (from order.txt files) self.ops['atimo', fol], self.ops['rtimo', fol] = [], [] if not (only_ops): self.eops['atimo', fol], self.eops['rtimo', fol] = [], [] # Creating empty lists in dictionaries for order params, # accepted and rejected for j in self.infos['op_labels']: self.ops['a'+j, fol], self.ops['r'+j, fol] = [], [] if not (only_ops): self.eops['a'+j, fol], self.eops['r'+j, fol] = [], [] # Creating empty lists in dictionary for energies and time if not (only_ops): for j in ENERGYLABELS: self.eops['a'+j, fol], self.eops['r'+j, fol] = [], [] tic = [timeit.default_timer(), None] print_to_screen('###################################################', level='message') print_to_screen('# PathDensity performing "walk" in \n# ' + '{}/'.format(os.getcwd()), level='message') print_to_screen('# Number of subfolders (0**) = ' + '{}'.format(len(self.infos['path'])), level='message') print_to_screen('# Found {} '.format(self.infos['num_op']) + 'order parameters in output', level='message') print_to_screen('###################################################' + '\n', level='message') print_to_screen('Creating empty lists for all folders', level=None) print_to_screen('------------------------------------') # Looping over folders, reading energy and orderP for fol in self.infos['path']: tic[1] = timeit.default_timer() _make_dict_lists(self, fol) files = [os.path.join(fol, 'order.txt'), os.path.join(fol, 'energy.txt')] print_to_screen('Reading data from {}'.format( fol), level='message') file_starts = [get_startat(files[0])] self.get_OP(files[0], fol, file_starts[0]) if not (only_ops): file_starts.append(get_startat(files[1])) self.get_EOP(fol, files, file_starts) self.check_Steps(fol) line = ('Done with folder, time used: ' '{0:4.4f}s, proceeding.\n' ''.format(timeit.default_timer()-tic[1])) print_to_screen('='*len(line) + '\n' + line, level='success') maxcl = '000' if not (only_ops): c_e = len(self.eops['acycE', '000'] + self.eops['rcycE', '000']) c_o = len(self.ops['acycO', '000'] + self.ops['rcycO', '000']) for fol in self.infos['path'][1:]: n_e = len(self.eops['acycE', fol] + self.eops['rcycE', fol]) n_o = len(self.ops['acycO', fol] + self.ops['rcycO', fol]) if n_o > c_o and n_e > c_e: maxcl = fol full_cycle_list = sorted( self.ops['acycO', maxcl] + self.ops['rcycO', maxcl]) self.infos['long_cycle'] = [full_cycle_list[0], full_cycle_list[-1]] print_to_screen('###################################################', level='success') print_to_screen('# Data successfully retrieved, in cycles:', level='success') print_to_screen('# {} to {}'.format(self.infos['long_cycle'][0], self.infos['long_cycle'][-1]), level='success') print_to_screen('# Time spent: {:.2f}s'.format( timeit.default_timer()-tic[0]), level='success') print_to_screen('###################################################' + '\n', level='success')
[docs] def pickle_data(self): """Pickles the data to a .pickle file.""" print_to_screen('###################################################', level='message') print_to_screen('# Pickling dictionaries to file', level='message') data = (self.ops, self.eops, self.infos) self.pfile = 'pyvisa_compressed_data.pickle' with open(self.pfile, 'wb') as out: pickle.dump(data, out, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print_to_screen('# {}'.format(self.pfile), level='message') print_to_screen('###################################################' + '\n', level='message')
[docs] def deepdish_data(self): """Compresses the data to a .hdf5 file.""" print_to_screen('###################################################', level='message') print_to_screen('# Compress dictionaries to file', level='message') self.pfile = 'pyvisa_compressed_data.hdf5' data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'ops': self.ops, 'eops': self.eops, 'infos': self.infos}) data.to_hdf(self.pfile, key='data') print_to_screen('# {}'.format(self.pfile), level='message') print_to_screen('###################################################' + '\n', level='message')
[docs] def get_EOP(self, fol, files, file_starts): """Read order and energy files, save frames only if present in both. Parameters ---------- fol : string Name of folder - e.g. "000". Used in dictionaries for allocating values from read to correct list. files : list of strings Name of files in subfolder path. file_starts : list of integers Index of files with latest restart of simulation. Returns/Updates --------------- eops : [atime, rtime, apotE, rpotE, akinE, rkinE, atotE, rtotE, atimo, rtimo, aop{x}, rop{x}] for x in range(0, #orderP) Lists of floats, it contains accepted/rejected steps and energy from files efile and ofile in folder fol and the order param from file ofile in folder fol. aop{x}/rop{x} loops through the total number of order parameters found in the order param file. """ ACC = None cycle = [] flag = '' # Start with energy file with open(files[1], 'r+') as temp: for i, line in enumerate(temp): if i < file_starts[1]-1: continue else: if '#' in line and line[0] != '#': data = line[:line.index('#')].split() # before comment else: data = line.split() if not data: continue if data[0] == '#': if data[1] == 'Time': continue try: cycle_t = int(data[2].rstrip(',')) except (ValueError, IndexError): continue if 'ACC' in data[4]: flag = 'a' else: flag = 'r' cycle.append(cycle_t) continue self.eops[flag+'cycE', fol].append(cycle[-1]) self.eops[flag+'time', fol].append(int(data[0])) self.eops[flag+'potE', fol].append(float(data[1])) self.eops[flag+'kinE', fol].append(float(data[2])) self.eops[flag+'totE', fol].append(float(data[1]) + float(data[2])) for key in self.eops: remove_nan(self.eops[key]) WRITE = False flag = '' # Continue with orderp file with open(files[0], 'r') as temp: for i, line in enumerate(temp): if i < file_starts[0]-1: continue else: if '#' in line and line[0] != '#': data = line[:line.index('#')].split() else: data = line.split() if not data: continue elif data[0] == '#': if data[1] == 'Time': continue try: cycle_t = int(data[2].rstrip(',')) except (ValueError, IndexError): continue if 'ACC' in data[4]: flag = 'a' else: flag = 'r' WRITE = bool(cycle_t in cycle) continue if WRITE: self.eops[flag+'cycO', fol].append(cycle_t) self.eops[flag+'timo', fol].append(int(data[0])) for j in range(1, self.infos['num_op']+1): try: x = float(data[j]) except IndexError: x = None self.eops[flag+'op{}'.format(j), fol].append(x)
[docs] def get_OP(self, ofile, fol, ostart): """Read order params from file and append to the lists in dict. Function that reads order params from orderfile, and appends values to relevant lists in dictionary. Parameters ---------- ofile : string Name of orderP file in subfolder path - e.g. "000/order.txt". fol : string Name of folder - e.g. "000". Used in dictionaries for allocating values from read to correct list. ostart : integer Index of ofile with latest restart of simulation. Returns/Updates --------------- ops : a/r[timo, aop{x}, cycl] for x in range(0, #orderP) Lists of floats. Contains accepted/rejected steps and order param from file ofile in folder fol. aop{x}/rop{x} loops through the total number of order parameters found in the order param file. """ ACC = None cycle = [] statw = [] weight = [] flag = '' with open(ofile, 'r') as o: for i, line in enumerate(o): if i < ostart-1: continue else: if '#' in line and line[0] != '#': data = line[:line.index('#')].split() else: data = line.split() if not data: continue if data[0] == '#': if data[1] == 'Time': continue try: cycle_t = int(data[2].rstrip(',')) except (ValueError, IndexError): continue cycle.append(cycle_t) if 'ACC' in data[4]: flag = 'a' statw.append(1) weight.append(1) else: flag = 'r' if weight: weight[-1] += 1 statw.append(0) continue self.ops[flag+'timo', fol].append(int(data[0])) self.ops[flag+'cycO', fol].append(cycle[-1]) for j in range(1, self.infos['num_op']+1): try: v = float(data[j]) except IndexError: v = None self.ops[flag+'op{}'.format(j), fol].append(v) # Creating list of statistical weights of paths for t in self.ops['acycO', fol]: s = cycle.index(t) self.ops['astatw', fol].append(statw[s])
[docs] def check_Steps(self, fol): """Loop over dicts, check lengths and print energy/order lists. Function that loops over dictionaries, checking the length of lists respective to the folders they were read from. Prints length of energy lists, shortened order parameter lists, and full length order parameter lists. Parameters ---------- fol : string Name of folder currently reading files from. Returns/Updates --------------- No returns. Checks and updates the content of orderP and energy, timestep and cycle, in the dictionary self.eops[]. If any differences are found, another function is called on all lists of that particular folder and acc/rej flags, which cuts the unmatched lines. """ def _check_timesteps(acc, fol): """Check the similarities of time steps and cycles. Function that checks the similarities of time steps and cycles of the two dictionaries ops and eops for a given folder and acceptance. Parameters ---------- acc : boolean True/False for accepted/rejected paths. fol : string Name of folder. Returns ------- errors : boolean True if errors were encountered, else False. level : string The level-string for print_to_file function. where_err : string 'time' or 'cycle' if error in timesteps or cycle. """ errors = False level = None where_err = None if self.eops[acc+'timo', fol] != self.eops[acc+'time', fol]: errors = True level = 'error' where_err = 'time' elif self.eops[acc+'cycO', fol] != self.eops[acc+'cycE', fol]: errors = True level = 'error' where_err = 'cycle' return errors, level, where_err for acc in ['a', 'r']: lenep = len(self.eops[acc+'time', fol]) lenop = len(self.eops[acc+'timo', fol]) lentot = len(self.ops[acc+'timo', fol]) txt = '{}: energy.txt: {}, order.txt: {}\t ' txt += 'Total lines in order.txt: {}\t {} %' if lentot == 0: break else: prc = str('{0:.2f}'.format(100.*lenop/lentot)) errors, lev, where_err = _check_timesteps(acc, fol) print_to_screen((txt.format(acc.upper(), lenep, lenop, lentot, prc) ), level=lev) if errors: txt = 'Found error in {}; ' txt += 'Comparing data in folder {}, paths: {}' print_to_screen(txt.format(where_err, fol, acc.upper()), level=lev) self.compare_and_cut(fol, acc, [lenep, lenop], target=where_err ) errors, lev, where_err = _check_timesteps(acc, fol) if errors: nlenep = len(self.eops[acc+'time', fol]) nlenop = len(self.eops[acc+'timo', fol]) txt = 'Found error in {}; ' txt += 'Re-checking data: E: {}, OP: {}' print_to_screen(txt.format(where_err, nlenep, nlenop), level=lev) self.compare_and_cut(fol, acc, [nlenep, nlenop], target=where_err )
[docs] def compare_and_cut(self, fol, acc, lenp, target='cycle'): """Compare an cut unmatched lines from dict lists. Function that compares step number of energy and order dictionaries, and deletes unmatched lines from either dictionary's lists Parameters ---------- fol : string Name of folder where difference occured. acc : string 'r'/'a' for accepted/rejected paths. lenp : list Length of energy time-step list in eops dictionary. [0] = length of E-list, [1] = length of OP-list. target : string The target lists to compare for deletion of lines. Returns ------- Updates/removes items from lists in EOP dict and returns the equal length lists, with correctly matched values. """ def _del_curr_op(acc, fol, idx): """Delete the current line in list. Parameters ---------- fol : string Name of folder where difference occured. acc : string 'a'/'r' for accepted/rejected paths. idx : integer OR tuple index of lines to delete, or tuple of "from-to" indeces. """ for key in self.infos['op_labels']: del self.eops[acc+key, fol][idx] # 'timo' not in op_labels, include: del self.eops[acc+'timo', fol][idx] def _del_curr_en(acc, fol, idx): """Delete the current line in list. Parameters ---------- fol : string Name of folder where difference occured. acc : string 'a'/'r' for accepted/rejected paths. idx : integer OR tuple index of lines to delete, or tuple of "from-to" indices. """ for key in ENERGYLABELS: del self.eops[acc+key, fol][idx] def _del_last_op(acc, fol): """Delete the last lines of lists in OP dict. Parameters ---------- fol : string Name of folder where difference occured. """ for key in self.infos['op_labels']: del self.eops[acc+key, fol][lenp[0]:] # 'timo' not in op_labels, include exception: del self.eops[acc+'timo', fol][lenp[0]:] def _del_last_en(acc, fol): """Delete the last lines of lists in OP dict. Parameters ---------- fol : string Name of folder where difference occured. """ for key in ENERGYLABELS: del self.eops[acc+key, fol][lenp[1]:] # Case: List timesteps match if self.eops[acc+'time', fol] == self.eops[acc+'timo', fol]: print_to_screen('---------------------------------', level='success') print_to_screen('Time steps of the lists ' + '({}) match'.format(acc.upper()), level='success') # Case: orderP (lists) are longer than the orderP, else match elif (lenp[0] < lenp[1] and self.eops[acc+'timo', fol][0:lenp[0]] == self.eops[acc+'time', fol]): print_to_screen('Deleting last {} lines of orderP lists'.format( lenp[1]-lenp[0]), level='message') _del_last_op(acc, fol) # Case: energy (lists) are longer than the energy, else match elif (lenp[1] < lenp[0] and self.eops[acc+'time', fol][0:lenp[1]] == self.eops[acc+'timo', fol]): print_to_screen('Deleting last {} lines of energy lists'.format( lenp[0]-lenp[1]), level='message') _del_last_en(acc, fol) # Case: More differences mid-lists, heavy loop-through required else: tic = timeit.default_timer() print_to_screen('Matching '+target+'-lists for differences', level='message') if target == 'cycle': d_e, d_o = diff_matching(self.eops[acc+'cycE', fol], self.eops[acc+'cycO', fol], lenp) elif target == 'time': d_e, d_o = diff_matching(self.eops[acc+'time', fol], self.eops[acc+'timo', fol], lenp) l_de, l_do = len(d_e), len(d_o) for i in tqdm(reversed(d_e), total=l_de, desc=' - E '): _del_curr_en(acc, fol, i) for i in tqdm(reversed(d_o), total=l_do, desc=' - OP'): _del_curr_op(acc, fol, i) toc = timeit.default_timer() print_to_screen('Deletion done, time used: ' + '{0:.4f}s. Proceeding'.format(toc-tic), level='success')
[docs]class PathVisualize(): """Class to define the visualization of data with PathDensity. Class definition of the visualization of data gathered from simulation directory using the PathDensity class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pfile=None): """Initialize the PathVisualize class. If an input fil .pickle or .hdf5 is present, loads the pre-compiled data from it. Else, must use specific functions explicitly. """ self.pfile = pfile if self.pfile is not None: if 'pickle' in self.pfile: self.load_pickle() elif 'hdf5' in self.pfile: self.load_dd() else: raise ValueError('Format not recognised')
[docs] def load_pickle(self): """Load precompiled data from pickle file. Function that loads precompiled data from .pickle file. Depending on file name, will define data as being created using fast or slow post-processing. """ with open(self.pfile, 'rb') as pdata: data = pickle.load(pdata) # Unpacking dictionaries self.ops = data[0] self.eops = data[1] self.infos = data[2] # Unpacking lists of info from infos dict self.op_labels = self.infos['op_labels']
[docs] def load_dd(self): """Load precompiled data from a hdf5 file. Function that loads precompiled data from a .hdf5 file made using pandas. """ # Unpacking dictionaries data = pd.read_hdf(self.pfile, key='data') self.ops = data['ops'] self.eops = data['eops'] self.infos = data['infos'] # Unpacking lists of info from infos dict self.op_labels = self.infos['op_labels']
[docs] def get_Odata(self, fol, XYACC, weight=True, min_max=(0, 0)): """Load relevant data from dictionaries. Function that loads the relevant data from the dictionaries. (Depending on choice of order param, folder, and whether paths are acc/rej/both). Parameters ---------- fol : string Name of folder, 000, 001, etc. XYACC : list [0:1] : strings, names of x/y order parameter. [2] : bool, True/False for acc/rej paths. weight : boolean, optional If True, trajectories are statistically weighted when read from dict. min_max : list Minimum and maximum cycle number of simulation data. Returns ------- x : list Floats with values of op2, from dict ops[op2, fol]. y : list Floats with values of op1, from dict ops[op1, fol]. """ x, y = [], [] if XYACC[2] == 'ACC' or XYACC[2] is True: acc = 'a' elif XYACC[2] == 'REJ' or XYACC[2] is False: acc = 'r' elif XYACC[2] == 'BOTH': acc = 'BOTH' # Default - start-to-end mini = {'a': 0, 'r': 0} maxi = {'a': len(self.ops['acycO', fol]) - 1, 'r': len(self.ops['rcycO', fol]) - 1} # Deciding x,y index span using cycle number if acc == 'BOTH': for a_r in ['a', 'r']: get_min_max(self.ops[a_r+'cycO', fol], min_max, mini, maxi, a_r) else: get_min_max(self.ops[acc+'cycO', fol], min_max, mini, maxi, acc) # Applying statistical weights to paths, or not if (weight): weights = self.ops['astatw', fol][mini['a']:maxi['a']] else: weights = [1]*len(self.ops['a'+XYACC[0], fol][mini['a']:maxi['a']]) if acc != 'r': for a, b, c in zip( self.ops['a'+XYACC[0], fol][mini['a']:maxi['a']], self.ops['a'+XYACC[1], fol][mini['a']:maxi['a']], weights): for _ in range(c): x.append(a) y.append(b) if acc == 'BOTH': x += self.ops['r'+XYACC[0], fol][mini['r']:maxi['r']] y += self.ops['r'+XYACC[1], fol][mini['r']:maxi['r']] elif acc == 'r': x += self.ops['r'+XYACC[0], fol][mini['r']:maxi['r']] y += self.ops['r'+XYACC[1], fol][mini['r']:maxi['r']] # Remove item in both lists if one or both is NoneType del_indx = [] for i in range(len(x)): if x[i] is None or y[i] is None: del_indx.append(i) for i in reversed(del_indx): del x[i] del y[i] return x, y
[docs] def get_Edata(self, fol, XYZ, ACC, min_max=None): """Load relevant data from the dictionaries. Function that loads the relevant data from the dictionaries, depending on choice of order param and energy, whether paths acc/rej/both, and folder. Parameters ---------- XYZ : list Names of order parameter and energy labels, for x/y/z-axis. ACC : boolean OR string True/False for acc/rej paths, "BOTH" for both. fol : string Name of folder, 000,001,etc. min_max : list Minimum and maximum cycle of simulation data. Returns ------- x : list Floats with values of op2, from dict eops[op2, fol]. y : list Floats with values of op1, from dict eops[op1, fol]. z : list Floats with values of E from eops[E, fol]. """ x, y, z = [], [], [] if ACC == 'ACC' or ACC is True: acc = 'a' elif ACC == 'REJ' or ACC is False: acc = 'r' # Default - start-to-end mini = {'a': 0, 'r': 0} maxi = {'a': len(self.eops['acycE', fol]) - 1, 'r': len(self.eops['rcycE', fol]) - 1} # Deciding x,y,z index span using cycle number if min_max is not None: for l in ['a', 'r']: get_min_max(self.eops[l+'cycE', fol], min_max, mini, maxi, l) if ACC == 'BOTH': x = (self.eops['a'+XYZ[0], fol][mini['a']:maxi['a']] + self.eops['r'+XYZ[0], fol][mini['r']:maxi['r']]) y = (self.eops['a'+XYZ[1], fol][mini['a']:maxi['a']] + self.eops['r'+XYZ[1], fol][mini['r']:maxi['r']]) if XYZ[2] == 'None': z = [1]*len(x) else: z = (self.eops['a'+XYZ[2], fol][mini['a']:maxi['a']] + self.eops['r'+XYZ[2], fol][mini['r']:maxi['r']]) else: x = self.eops[acc+XYZ[0], fol][mini[acc]:maxi[acc]] y = self.eops[acc+XYZ[1], fol][mini[acc]:maxi[acc]] if len(XYZ) == 2 or XYZ[2] == 'None': z = [1]*len(x) else: z = self.eops[acc+XYZ[2], fol][mini[acc]:maxi[acc]] # Remove item in both lists if one or both is NoneType del_indx = [] for i in range(len(x)): if x[i] is None or y[i] is None or z[i] is None: del_indx.append(i) for d in reversed(del_indx): del x[d] del y[d] del z[d] return x, y, z